author, poet, adventurer

Ode to the Great Southern Wall

 The wall is funded and ready to go
a great distance of 2000 miles or so
but wait there are problems with the land
more important than shifting sand
the land ownership is not clear
major court ordered delays I fear

The farmers of Arizona refuse to sell
California, New Mexico and Texas as well
the contractor wants money for delays
and Mexico will not discuss who pays 

Workers are demanding raises before it starts
and the surveyor will not release his charts
his fee has been judged to be way too high
he closed his office and said goodbye 

Every Senator is demanding a share
of the contracts they consider fair
each wants a contract for their state
it can be seen the completion will be late 

Civil Engineers and Architects galore
arguing before the concrete starts to pour
the project now on Presidential hold
and the price just increased fivefold 

The projection to complete the wall is 20 years hence
and many suggest the wall should have been a fence

Odes to the World and Everything in It, Volume 3,  by Bobby Q. Budrock (Pending Publication)

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